The Hidden Dangers Of Parasites In The Body - What You Need To Know
Are you constantly fatigued, experiencing anxiety, depression, mind-racing, unexplained weight loss, or struggling with digestive issues? The culprit could be parasites living in your body. Parasites are living organisms that feed off other living organisms, including humans, and can cause serious health problems if they become established and multiply in the body. Understanding common parasites and their symptoms is crucial in preventing future infestations and maintaining excellent health. In this blog post, we'll discuss the dangers of parasites in the body, what you need to know about them, and how to prevent and eliminate them.
What are parasites, and why can they be dangerous Bodies
A parasite is an organism that feeds on the nutrients or living tissue of a host organism. Parasites come in many shapes and sizes, from single-celled protozoa to larger multi-cellular organisms like tapeworms and roundworms. They can infect a wide range of animals, including humans, often causing harm to the host.
Parasites can enter the body through various routes, such as ingesting contaminated food or water, contact with infected animals, or exposure to contaminated soil or surfaces (1). While some parasites may be harmless, others can cause serious health problems if they become established and multiply in the body. For example, parasitic infections can cause symptoms such as anxiety, depression, mind-racing, inflammation, weight fluctuations, and fatigue (2). In severe cases, parasites can cause long-term damage to organs such as the liver or brain, leading to chronic health problems.It's important to understand that parasitic infections can affect anyone, regardless of age or health condition. However, certain groups, such as people with weakened immune systems, young children, and pregnant women, may be more vulnerable to the symptoms of these infections.

A tapeworm in a human intestine. Tapeworms are a type of parasitic flatworms and typically live in the digestive tract.
Common Types Of Parasites That Affect People
Parasitic infections are caused by various organisms, including protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites.
Protozoa are single-celled organisms that can cause diseases like malaria, giardia, and cryptosporidiosis. These parasites are found in contaminated water, soil, or food. When ingested, protozoa can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps.
Helminths are multi-cellular worms that can infect humans and animals. Common types of helminths include tapeworms, roundworms, and flukes. These parasites enter the body through contaminated food or water or contact with infected soil. Helminth infections can cause various symptoms, including abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and weight loss. Some types of helminths can lead to long-term health complications, particularly in children.
Ectoparasites are external parasites, fleas, lice, mites, and ticks, that live on the skin or hair of their host. Ectoparasites can cause a range of symptoms, including itching, redness, and irritation. Sometimes, they can also transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and typhus.
Symptoms of Parasite Infection
Parasite infections can have a significant impact on mental health. Anxiety and depression are common symptoms of a parasite infection, and constantly feeling fatigued can worsen these conditions. Parasites in the body can also affect neurotransmitter levels, leading to mood changes and exacerbating existing mental health issues. The chronic inflammation resulting from a parasite infection can also contribute to developing mental health conditions.
Aside from the impact on mental health, parasite infections can also lead to chronic inflammation (3). Chronic inflammation can cause damage to cells, tissues, and organs, leading to a wide range of health problems. Inflammation can also trigger an autoimmune response (4), leading to rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Recognizing the signs of parasite infection and addressing the issue promptly to avoid long-term health complications is essential.

Diverticulosis in the large intestines, which is inflammation or infection in the digestive tract.
Parasitic infections can wreak havoc on one's sleep patterns, causing difficulty in falling asleep or frequent waking throughout the night. This can occur due to the physical discomfort caused by the parasites or because the particular parasite is a nocturnal creature active during the nighttime hours.
In some cases, parasites can tunnel beneath the skin and lay eggs, which can trigger itching sensations. These parasitic invaders are recognized as foreign by the immune system, which response by producing Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies that travel to cells and release chemicals, ultimately leading to an allergic reaction.
How Do You Get Infected With Parasites?
Parasite infections can occur in a variety of ways. Still, the most common transmission route is ingesting contaminated food or water. Parasites like giardia, cryptosporidium, and tapeworms are known to contaminate food and water sources. Consuming the microscopic eggs of these parasites can also lead to infection.
Some parasites, like hookworms and roundworms, can enter the body through the skin, so walking barefoot on contaminated soil can be risky. Additionally, certain activities like swimming in contaminated water or handling contaminated soil during gardening can also lead to infection. Another way to contract a parasite infection is by contacting infected animals.
In addition to these modes of transmission, individuals who have recently traveled to areas where parasitic infections are common may also be at risk. It's important to take preventative measures like drinking bottled water and avoiding undercooked or raw meat when traveling to these areas. Finally, poor hygiene and sanitation practices can also play a role in contracting a parasitic infection.
Preventing A Parasite Infection In The Body
Preventing infestations of parasites can be easy. Several measures can be taken to reduce the risk of contracting parasitic infections. In addition to regular and thorough hand-washing, a comprehensive approach to parasite defense can be beneficial. Food-borne parasitic infections can be avoided by ensuring that fresh foods are prepared using safe water sources and by avoiding undercooked or raw fish and meat.
When traveling to areas with a high prevalence of parasitic infections, it is essential to take necessary precautions. This includes ensuring that local water sources are safe to drink and seeking appropriate medical advice before traveling.
Maintaining personal hygiene is vital. Wash your hands often, as this is the most beneficial thing you can do. Shower frequently, especially if you have handled animals. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or toothbrushes to reduce the risk of transmission. Remember, good hygiene will boost your immune system and keep pathogens away.

Personaly hygenie is an easy way to prevent parasite infections.
Remedies For Eliminating Parasites From The Body
While various pharmaceutical treatments are available to help combat parasites, many find natural remedies more effective for eliminating parasites from the body. Diet plays an important role in the fight against parasites since the food we eat fuels them. If your suspect a parasitic infection, it is essential to avoid eating sugar, processed and refined foods, and consuming alcohol. Eating bitter-tasting raw and cooked vegetables such as arugula and dandelion helps create a less favorable environment for parasites to thrive in.
Supplement protocols are another popular option if someone suspects a parasite infection. These protocols have become an increasingly popular way to combat parasite infections. These protocols typically involve a combination of supplements that effectively eliminate parasites from the body. Some of the most commonly used supplements for parasite removal include supplements to detoxify the body, support the body's natural detoxifying organs (Gull Bladder and Liver), and support the immune system and supplements with antimicrobial properties.
In addition to supplements, lifestyle changes such as maintaining good hygiene practices, avoiding contact with potentially infected animals, and adopting a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of parasite infections.
Final Thoughts
Parasites can cause various physical and mental symptoms, including anxiety, depression, mind-racing, fatigue, weight loss, and digestive issues. Knowing the common types of parasites and how to prevent them is critical to maintaining good health. While there are a variety of pharmaceutical treatments available to help combat these infections, many find natural remedies and supplement protocols more effective for eliminating parasites from the body as they promote overall good health.
If you are looking for an effective way to detox your body of parasites while promoting good health, look no further than BioOne Sciences Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit. This kit contains a combination of supplements that work together to eliminate harmful parasites from your body while promoting better health and overall well-being.
With easy-to-follow instructions and all the supplements you need to get started, our kit is the perfect solution for anyone looking to rid their body of these pesky invaders.We offer 3 different kits to choose from that are based on your experience with a cleanse. Order your kit now and experience the benefits of a parasite-free body!

Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit contains everything you need to perform a parasitic detox over the course of a full moon. Click here for more details.
Sources For This Article
1.) https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/transmission/index.html
2.) https://www.cambridge.org/core/blog/2022/08/23/the-impact-of-parasite-infection-of-mental-illness/#:~:text=Parasite%20infections%20can%20be%20a,vagus%20nerve%20and%20immune%20cells.
3.) https://research.cornell.edu/research/immune-system-inflammation-and-parasitic-worms#:~:text=Intestinal%20helminth%2C%20or%20worm%2C%20parasites,that%20lead%20to%20worm%20expulsion.
4.) https://www.autoimmuneinstitute.org/inflammation-a-driving-force-of-autoimmune-disease/